Medical certificates

Certificado Médico Obtener Carnet de Conducir

Medical certificate to obtain a driver's license.

POBLENOU MEDICAL CENTER es un Centro de Reconocimiento de Conductores (CRC), autorizado por el Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya, número de autorización E-08012366, y por la Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT), número de autorización B-0095, para realizar y emitir el certificado psicofísico de aptitud médica para obtener los distintos permisos de conducir. 
generalitatHealth centre: E-08012366
transitMedical center: B-0095
We performed medical examinations psychophysical and issue the corresponding medical certificate official to obtain the following permits and licenses:
  • Permission to drive cars (permit B)
  • Permission to drive motorcycles and mopeds (license AM, A, A1, and A2)
  • Permission to drive trucks (permission C1 and C) and trailers (C1+E and C+E)
  • Permission to drive buses (permission D) and trailers (D+E)

Also we issued the medical report, in order to take the exam of the course BTP.

¿Cómo obtener el certificado médico psicofísico para la obtención del carnet de conducir?

Make an appointment in our exclusive service of medical certificates. Disponemos de un amplio horario de atención. Cuando vengas tendrás que traer contigo tu DNI/NIE, en vigor. En, aproximadamente, 20 minutos te haremos la exploración médica y psicológica. Al finalizar, te entregaremos el certificado psicofísico necesario para que lo adjuntes a tu expediente. Todo ello de forma rápida, sencilla, profesional y con la mejor atención que te podamos brindar.

What times is the exclusive service of medical certificates?

  • In the mornings, from Monday to Friday, from 09:30am to 1:15pm
  • On the afternoons, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 4pm to 7pm

¿Qué necesito para obtener mi certificado psicofísico para obtener carnet de conducir?

  • The DNI, NIE or passport.
  • If the DNI, NIE or passport is expired you can do the medical examination. In the case of DNI or NIE expired you need to renew it in order to avoid problems with your record in the DGT.
  • It is not necessary that you bring no photography. The photography of the medical report has to be digital and you will make us free of charge.
  • If you wear glasses and/or hearing aid, we recommend that you bring them in though it is not strictly necessary.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Uses the channel that you will be more comfortable thanks to the unique line that Centre Mèdic Poblenou puts at your service for obtaining a medical certificate for obtaining permits and licenses.

Where we are

Estamos en Barcelona, en el distrito de Sant Martí, en Poblenou. Carrer de Llull 175, Principal 2ª (esquina Rambla Poblenou) 08005 Barcelona   Appointment Certificates: 608 998 539 Phone: 93 485 41 77

Request your appointment here to get your driving license