Medical certificates

Sailing qualifications

Medical certificate for obtaining or renewing Nautical Liscences

POBLENOU MEDICAL CENTER it is a medical center authorized by the Health Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya, authorization number, E-08012366, to make and issue certificates of aptitude and mental well-being to the obtaining or renewal of your sailing qualification.


For the convenience of our customers, we can provide a service of renewal of sailing qualifications that are issued by the government of Catalonia. At the end of this page you have all the information.

generalitatHealth centre: E-08012366

What sailing qualifications you can obtain or renew?

  • License basic navigation (LNB)
  • Pattern for basic navigation (GNP)
  • Pattern of recreational boats (PER)
  • Pattern yacht
  • Yacht captain
  • Jet skiing

What do you need to get or renew your sailing qualification?

You've come to our medical center and bring with you your driver's license, national ID CARD or passport and 1 photograph of a passport. For your convenience we stock photography service type driver. In 20 minutes you will make the exploration of the medical and psychological and we'll give you your medical certificate. All of this quickly, easily and professional. Appointment needed


In case of renewal of your title nauticalat the end of the medical examination, fulfill the renewal form us you will need to sign in duplicate. The cost of this service is 15€ to which you must add the corresponding fees.


After a few days, as soon as we have completed the management, we will provide you with the new title already renovated.

What times is the exclusive service of medical certificates?

MAÑANAS: de Lunes a Viernes, de 09:30 a 13:15
TARDES: Lunes, miércoles y Jueves, de 16:00 a 19:00

Prices of the certificates and the obtaining of permits and licenses


  • DNI/NIE or passport. 
  • A photo of a passport
  • Request appointment
  • The titles of nautical must be renewed every 10 years. People over 70 are required to renew the title every 2 years.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Utiliza el canal que te sea más cómodo. Centro Médico Poblenou pone a tu servicio todos estos canales para que puedas contactar con nosotros. 

Pide tu cita para la revisión médica y psicotécnica para obtener o renovar tu título náutico.

Where we are

Request your appointment here to get the medical certificate in order to obtain or renew Nautical Licences